Software Development Team

The Technical Experts You Need, Without the Headache.

Between today’s shortage of skilled technical resources and the high cost of retaining an in-house software development team, founder-led companies often can’t compete with enterprise organizations for top talent.

We have first-hand experience at both start-up and enterprise organizations. We understand the challenges of building a software team in today’s competitive environment:

Scalable, Engaged Team

Each InTech Ideas client receives a full-stack, ready-to-plug in team to get your project started. Teams are scaled and tailored to meet your unique needs and goals.

Sourcing the right team is just the beginning.  We know first-hand the importance of engagement at each stage of the project.

Our people-focused, 4-step methodology ensures consistency and sustainability across all team members: 

The Core Team

Whether you are ramping a new team or expanding an existing team, we bring together the right unified group of developers, engineers and designers to achieve optimal success.

Sustainable and scalable, all of our teams include at least three nearshore, eastern time zone developers with expertise in front-end, back-end and data management:

Step 1

Unlike traditional outsourcers, we perform an assessment to understand your unique culture and objectives.

Step 2

We start with taking the time to understand your specific needs so we can assemble the perfect team.

Step 3

Next, we work closely with your team to ensure that the right plans are in place to ensure flawless execution.

Step 4

With regular stakeholder check-ins, our team remains in sync with your organizational goals.

Lead Developer

Extensive experience in both developer and team lead roles.

Senior Developer

With years of software development experience, the senior developer works closely with the lead developer.

Team Developers

Based on capacity requirements, your team will consist of one or more team developers. A team developer will have experience in software development and often a particular area of focus.

Caring for Our Team

We align our team to your culture and values for a seamless, worry-free experience. The result? Improved team engagement and retention. Our team members:

Are dedicated to your product development team and are not shared across other clients.

Receive holidays, benefits and computer/internet at no cost to our clients.